Assessment & Reporting

Assessment, Reporting and Record Keeping

For continuous improvement in student learning it is important that we:

  • systematically use data and evidence to plan for the learning needs of all students.
  • use multiple methods of assessment including diagnostic, formative and summative assessments.
  • develop open-ended assessment tasks where the criteria for assessment are known by all stakeholders.
  • use the achievements on a variety of tasks to report on student progress using a set of clearly articulated standards.
  • use information from student assessments as feedback about the effectiveness of our teaching.

Student achievement is recognised and celebrated in many ways throughout the school year; at informal meetings; through awards at school assembly; parent/student/teacher interviews; through class work that is sent home; through class oral presentations and through written reports.

Written reports communicate information that has been obtained from a variety of assessment processes and involves a professional judgement made on a body of evidence about a student’s progress and achievement against a set of clearly articulated standards.

To supplement student assessment, a session of oral reporting (parent/teacher interviews) is held each semester. These are generally held at the end of Terms 1 and 3. During these sessions teachers confer with parents regarding the attainments and behavioural patterns of students. A written report card is issued at the end of Terms 2 and 4.