St Joseph’s School Mission & Vision Statement

Identity Statement

St Joseph’s School is a Christ-centred professional learning community founded in the Mercy tradition. Inspired by our patron, St Joseph, and Venerable Catherine McAuley, we embody the Mercy charism and live out our school motto, “Love, Faith, Knowledge”.


Our vision is for high levels of learning and wellbeing for all, in a nurturing, collaborative and dynamic Christ-centred environment.


Our mission statements are developed from the collective commitments we have made as a school community to ensure that our Catholic values and vision are visible through word and action.

We achieve this vision as a community through the lens of our school motto, Love, Faith, Knowledge.

Love & Faith

  • Proclaim the Good News at a personal, communal and global level through a comprehensive, integrated curriculum that develops the whole person.
  • Ensure all members of the school community are immersed in opportunities for deeper engagement with the mission of the Catholic Church through liturgical celebration, prayer, reflection and opportunities for formation, leadership and involvement in ministry through hospitality and service to others.
  • Promote social and restorative justice practices in a caring and supportive environment where human dignity and diversity are valued and respected.
  • Live in respectful relationship with all of creation and with responsible commitment to care for the Earth.


  • Provide innovative learning and teaching that is contemporary, dynamic and challenging.
  • Engage in professional practice which is informed by data analysis, current research and quality resourcing.
  • Commit to excellence and enable everyone to actively participate in their learning through differentiated instruction; empowering them to be critical, creative and reflective thinkers.


  • Provide a place of welcome that is hospitable and inclusive of all.
  • Promote and maintain a strong commitment to uphold positive and professional relationships with the school and wider community by working collaboratively to achieve high levels of learning and pastoral care.
  • Celebrate learning, achievement and culture, recognising the contributions and unique gifts of all.