Fees & Levies

School Funding

The gap between the level of government funding provided to State schools and non-government schools makes it necessary for Catholic schools to charge fees. At the same time, it ensures the Catholic school system is able to maintain some independence to achieve the ideals of the Catholic Church in operating schools.

Even when parent contributions are taken into account, on average, Catholic schools operate at a resourcing level of 90% of that of government schools, giving rise to Catholic schools operating more efficiently in order to maintain the high quality of education that Catholic Education is known for and our families rightly expect.

School (Tuition) Fees

A tuition fee is charged for children attending a Catholic school in the Cairns Diocese. These fees are fixed by Catholic Education Services (CES) and are reviewed annually.

School Levies

In addition to the Tuition Fee, there is:

Per family levies (annual):

  • Capital Levy
  • P & F fundraising levy

Per student levies (annual): Resource levy – Prep – Year 6

This levy is used to cover:

  • Arts Council Performances
  • Swimming Program
  • First Aid supplies
  • Resources – classroom
  • Computer licensing and software
  • Art and craft materials
  • Duplicating and photocopying
  • Supplementary learning materials and teaching aids for the classroom
  • Excursions and Camps
  • Sports Programs

Payment Options

Accounts are sent out each term. Fees can be paid on a weekly/fortnightly/monthly or termly basis according to your preference. Payment may be made at the school office. School fees are due two weeks after the date of issue.

Payment options: Direct Debit, BPay and EFTPOS are available. Electronic Funds Transfer via internet banking is also an option. Please call into the school administration for further details.


It is appreciated that some families may face hardship in meeting fees. It is important that families who want to access Catholic education for their children are not excluded because they do not have the means to pay fees. It is our expressed policy to assist any family in this situation. Families who will experience personal financial hardship in meeting school fees should contact the principal to confidentially discuss fee concessions. If full or partial exemption is granted, it is done only on an annual basis.

Pensioner and health care card holder fee discount

In addition to family and country school discounts that have historically been offered, means-tested concession card discounts are also provided.

Parents/carers with a means-tested Australian government health care or pensioner concession card are automatically eligible to receive a 70% discount to tuition fees (does not apply to school levies). Card holders are required to advise the school of their concession card at enrolment or when the card is gained. Once the card is sighted by the school’s administration, tuition fees will be adjusted.